Frequently asked questions

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions: A Comprehensive FAQ to Help You Understand Our Services, Policies, and Procedures for Successful Collaboration on Your Web Design and Development Project


Customers frequently ask

How much does a new website cost?

Website development is customizable, tailored to each client’s requirements. At Snowball, we offer our quotations after conducting separate analysis on the projects and after working on a brainstorming that aims to achieve the optimum desired results.

Will my website be mobile-friendly?
How many pages do I get with my website?
How long will it take to get to the 1st page on Google?

It usually takes a minimum of 6 months for your website to appear on the 1st page on Google. However, It is quite unpredictable as nowadays the competitors are quite high and almost every business are keen on establishing SEO optimized websites.

How much does hosting cost?
How long does it take to build a website?

Find out more with Snowball

Website & SEO

Unlock your website's hidden potential!


Unlock the Power of Your Brand - Get Started Today!

Content Creation

Craft compelling stories and engage your audience with our content